Comune di Giulianello (LT) – May 22, 2019
The purpose of this didactic workshop is to involve students from middle school to reach a critical perspective on immigration, starting with historical, economical, social, and aesthetic perspectives that derives from Francesco Arena’s work Monolith Divided and Distant (113 km), 2019.
The last statistical data referencing 2015 gathered by ONU indicated 243,700,236, million immigrants in the world.
Raffaella Frascarelli will introduce some of the main themes pertinent to Sociology of migrations that will orient the workshop:
- Introduction of concepts related to human mobility and migration: prehistoric and historical, rural and urban, religious, forced (political refugees and asylum seekers), economical (temporary, permanent, circular, returning), clandestine, people without citizenship, resettlement, repatriation, naturalization. Mention of the difference between emigration and immigration, on the rights connected to the liberty of movement, on the significance of xenophobia, on the emergence of human trafficking, and on the necessity of cultural assimilation. Discourse of the main international organizations dealing with immigration.
- Brief mention of Italy’s historic role: emigration of the 19th and 20th centuries. Immigration since the end of the 20th century.
- Brief mention of the southern Francigena of Lazio
- Workshop with Francesco Arena
- Conversation with students, teachers, and the artist
Artist’s message to the students preparing for the workshop:
“Hello, I am Francesco Arena, we will be seeing each other soon to realize a work together.
To be able to work in the best manner, I need you, next few days to think of a person that is well known or not, real or fake, that you identify with in some way. Someone who is a role model to you, an inspiration, someone who you think you share the same world view as. When you have individuated the right person for you, you need to print a portrait of them, in A4 format on simple paper colored or black and white, however you prefer. When we see each other for the workshop, bring your print with you.
I recommend that you think for yourself about the person/character that interests you, don’t talk to your friends or your teachers. And don’t forget the print the day of the workshop!”